
Scotty, beam me up...

...there is no intelligent life on this planet.

Some time ago I read an article at Zen Habits - "Want to Save the World? I'll Tell You How". It invites you to do less to save the world.

Jonathan Mead links in his article to another one - "Plastic Soup" at Oskar Lewis weblog.

Although I do not think that really every piece of plastic produced is still around - it is a huge amount. That article is shocking and there it says also:
"This planet is being destroyed by the the 'most intelligent being on
it'. I think we need to re-define intelligence."
Indeed, I fully agree to that. It is so automatically that humans think that they are more intelligent than all the animals only because they don't understand them. Maybe the the most other animals learned to integrate well with the nature and that's their most important intelligence. Also human learned that there are different types of intelligence. I think humans do focus too much on one or two types of intelligence. What is the big difference of the humans? - They have arms to "use" their intelligence to massive extension.

Again I cannot avoid thinking of the dinosaurs as I already mentioned in the previous article "Information Overflow":
What, if in those times it was just increasing the probability to survive if the creature was a little bigger? - I imagine that a rush in size could cause exhausting of the world resources and hence to the extinction of the dinosaurs. - I don't have any scientific proof for this theory. The phrase "size matters" can have two meanings here... ;-)
I think we also have to redefine how we measure economy and a lot of other core elements of our life. In many realms I think we do have a "mismatch problem".

My biggest respect goes to all the animals who learned to well integrate into the nature forming a harmonic whole. Maybe the single individual animals or races do not know, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the result!

Related posts: Information Overflow, The mismatch problem, Detect the weak point, The main purpose, The resource problem.

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